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admin 发表于:2012/8/8 12:00:54
China's Internet firms are a good advertisement for the resilience of the country's consumer spending.
While the wider economy is suffering the sharpest slowdown since the 2008 financial crisis, online advertising revenue is remarkably strong. Research firm Analysys says total revenue grew 54% in the second quarter from a year ago.
Even against that backdrop, though, there are still challenges. Revenue growth has slowed sharply since last year, reflecting tighter advertising budgets. Longer term, the industry still has to figure out how to profit from the shift to mobile Internet.
With a slowdown in growth making advertisers more cautious, some firms will get more 'likes' than others. The key to success is a wide client base, and adverts that allow customers to see a clear return on their spending.
Search giant Baidu scores highly in both categories. Chi Tsang, China Internet analyst at HSBC, says Baidu's 352,000 customers mean it is less vulnerable to a few big spenders turning tight-fisted. A large local clientele might also be more resilient than multinationals that are affected by the downturn in Europe.
At the same time, Baidu's pay-for-performance model means customers can see a clear return on their investment. That is important as advertisers keep a closer eye on their budgets.
At the other end of the spectrum are portals like Sina Corp. Sina has a concentrated client base, with just 860 customers in China in 2011. Such firms are more vulnerable than Baidu to a few high-value clients reducing their spending.
Online video should fall into the same category as portals. Market leader Youku had just 505 advertisers in 2011.
But video is receiving support from an unlikely source─China's government.
At the beginning of 2012, China rolled out new regulations banning advertisments during prime-time TV dramas. Market research firm Nielsen, which tracks advertising spent across TV and Internet, says the result has been a migration of advertising to online video sites like Youku.
Numbers from 2009, the last time China's economy slowed sharply, confirms the likely pattern of winners and losers. Baidu's online marketing revenue was bowed but unbroken at 39% year-on-year growth, down from 83% in 2008. Sina's advertising revenue fell 11%, a reversal from 53% growth the previous year.
Investors refreshing their view of China's Internet earnings should look for a repeat of the same pattern.

搜索巨头百度在上述两方面的得分很高。汇丰(HSBC)中国互联网分析师Chi Tsang说,百度拥有35.2万名客户,这意味着就算少数大客户收紧广告预算,百度也不会受到太大冲击。相比受欧洲经济低迷影响的跨国公司,其庞大的国内客户群的恢复能力可能更强。
和百度相对的另一类广告投放渠道是新浪(Sina Corp.)等门户网站。新浪的客户群相对集中,2011年其在中国只有860名客户。和百度相比,一旦某些高价值客户减少广告投放支出,此类门户网站就更容易受到冲击。

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