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主题:中国公司欲打造本土银幕超级英雄Formidable Duo Team Up to Create Chinese Superheroes

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中国公司欲打造本土银幕超级英雄Formidable Duo Team Up to Create Chinese Superheroes  发贴心情 Post By:2012/12/20 17:45:22



To win over China's 1.34 billion consumers, companies have rolled out custom-made cars and clothing lines. They've launched hot and spicy sour-fish soup potato chips and green tea Oreos to suit their palates.

Now one is creating a special line of Chinese-inspired superheroes.

Chinese entrepreneur Bruno Wu's film company, Seven Stars Entertainment, is launching a joint venture with Arad Productions, led by Marvel Studios founder Avi Arad, to develop a franchise of blockbuster films, animated television series and retail products that feature heroes based on Chinese culture, according to a statement from the companies.

First in the joint venture's pipeline is 'Rise of the Terracotta,' according to the statement. The film is based on the country's own army of underground terracotta soldiers, who were buried underground to protect emperor Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife.

The Arad-Wu tie up, which aims to pair Mr. Wu's funding with Mr. Arad's production experience, is an attempt to tap into China's growing appetite for films and in particular big-budget action films that feature dynamic superheroes. China's box office sales jumped to $2.1 billion in 2011, up 29% from a year earlier, according to the State Administration of Film, Radio and Television.

Much of the country's box office growth this year has been propelled by action films such as Warner Bros.' latest Batman chapter, 'The Dark Knight Rises,' which earned $53 million at Chinese box offices, and Sony Pictures' 'The Amazing Spider-Man,' which saw box office sales of $48.8 million in China, according to box office database Box Office Mojo.

Other Chinese companies are testing the waters for homegrown superhero films, though not necessarily Chinese heroes. China's DMG Entertainment is in the midst of filming 'Iron Man 3 with Walt Disney Co s Marvel Studios. The first and second 'Iron Man' movies combined took in more than 271 million yuan (about $43 million) at Chinese box offices, according to film research company EntGroup.

Mr. Wu is betting big on China's film industry. He has been building up Chinawood, a media complex outside of China's northeastern city of Tianjin in which Seven Stars and Tianjin's government have invested more than a $1 billion.

Mr. Wu's investment firm, Sun Redrock Investment Group, also co-launched earlier this year with China's Harvest Alternative Investment an $800 million private equity fund to fund big studio projects that appeal to China and a wider Asian market.

Mr. Arad has been credited for his role in building up franchises such as the 'X-Men' and 'Spider-Man,' 'Fantastic Four' and 'The Incredible Hulk.' He founded his own production company in 2006, after having served as chief executive of comic film house Marvel Studios.

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  发贴心情 Post By:2012/12/20 17:46:04





Kristi Odom中国的兵马俑即将走进电影院?中国传媒行业企业家吴征的电影公司七星娱乐集团(Seven Stars Entertainment)正计划与Arad Productions联合打造一家合资公司。合资公司的一项声明称,该公司将以中国文化为基础,推出一系列表现英雄人物的电影和动画电视剧佳作,以及其他零售产品。掌舵Arad Productions的是Marvel Studios的创始人阿拉德(Avi Arad)。



中国今年的票房增长主要是由动作影片带动的,如华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)的《蝙蝠侠前传3:黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)和索尼影业(Sony Pictures)的《超凡蜘蛛侠》(The Amazing Spider-Man)。电影票房网站Box Office Mojo的数据显示,《黑暗骑士崛起》在中国斩获了5,300万美元的票房,而《超凡蜘蛛侠》则在中国吸金4,880万美元。

Getty Images阿拉德为打造《蜘蛛侠》系列电影发挥了极大的作用。另外还有一些中国企业准备一试身手,在中国推出国产超级英雄影片,而且这些超级英雄不一定非要是中国人。中国电影公司DMG娱乐传媒集团(DMG Entertainment)正在与华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)旗下的Marvel Studios合作拍摄《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)。根据电影市场研究公司艺恩咨询(EntGroup)的数据,第一部和第二部“钢铁侠”电影总共在中国获得了人民币2.71亿元(约4,300万美元)的票房。


吴征的投资公司阳光红岩投资集团(Sun Redrock Investment Group)
今年早些时候还与中国的嘉实另类投资集团(Harvest Alternative Investment)共同推出了一只8亿美元的私募基金,为受中国和亚洲市场欢迎的大型电影制作项目提供融资。

阿拉德在“X战警”、“蜘蛛侠”、“神奇四侠”和“绿巨人”等系列电影当中所起到的作用被受到了广泛赞誉。2006年,他成立了自己的制片公司,之前他曾任Marvel Studios的首席执行长。

[此贴子已经被作者于2012-12-20 17:47:06编辑过]

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中国公司欲打造本土银幕超级英雄Formidable Duo Team Up to Create Chinese Superheroes


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