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罗姆尼遭遇“中海油门”  发贴心情 Post By:2012/9/27 11:18:26

美国共和党总统候选人米特?罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)本人公开的2011年纳税记录显示,就在美国对中国海洋石油总公司(China National Offshore Oil Corp)与伊朗政府间的数十亿美元交易感到越发担忧之际,罗姆尼的信托公司却投资了中海油。

这一披露,让罗姆尼在周一被巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选团队指责为虚伪。奥巴马团队称罗姆尼一方面批评奥巴马对中国的“欺骗者们”不够强硬,另一方面自己的保密信托却投资于中国企业。


罗姆尼对中海油的投资,也让人们开始质疑他在伊朗问题上所持的强硬立场。这一事件进一步证明,这位贝恩资本(Bain Capital)前首席执行官在全球的巨额投资,已经对他入主白宫的努力构成了挑战。

罗姆尼一再表示,这些投资是由一个保密信托做出的,而他本人对这个信托没有控制权。这些信托由一位名叫R?布拉德福德?马尔特(R.Bradford Malt)的受托人控制。

罗姆尼的竞选助手米切尔?戴维斯(Michele Davis)说:“那位受托人曾公开表示,他将尽力让保密信托所做的投资与罗姆尼州长的政治立场相符。一旦他发现有不符的情况,就会终止相关投资。”戴维斯曾在小布什(George W. Bush)政府中担任财政部官员。

罗姆尼曾将保密信托这种方式称为“一个古老的诡计”,因为“你总是可以告诉一份保密信托可以做什么以及不可以做什么”。这番话是他在与爱德华?肯尼迪(Edward Kennedy)竞选参议员的时候说的。

而2009年10月——就在媒体广泛报道中海油国有母公司与伊朗签署协议,将与该国合作开发北帕尔斯气田(North Pars)和一个液化天然气出口项目七个月后——罗姆尼的保密信托就对中国海洋石油有限公司(Cnooc Limited)做了首笔投资。


国际天然气报告(International Gas Report)在2009年2月发布的一份报告称,美国在同意向台湾出售武器后,中国政府马上批准了中海油与伊朗签署协议。这份协议在此前数年中曾被多次搁置又重启,在2007年时甚至引起了美国国务院的关切,后者就该协议是否违反了《伊朗及利比亚制裁法案》(Iran-Libya Sanctions Act)进行了调查。

美国政府对中海油的不安从另一件事情上也可见一斑。2009年,奥巴马政府计划提名傅立民(Chas Freeman)出任美国国家情报委员会(US National Intelligence Council)主席。这一提名当时引发了一场政治风波,而曾任美国驻沙特大使和对华特使的傅立民最终没能出任该职。当时民主党和共和党议员均对他表示质疑的一点,是他与中海油的关系——他曾于2004年加入中海油国际顾问委员会。



此后,据报道称,中海油参与伊朗北帕尔斯(North Pars)天然气田项目开发的事情也被搁置。根据普氏能源资讯(Platts)7月公布的一份报告(报告援引了一些分析师),中国在伊朗的这个项目尚未有进展,因为伊朗“总体投资环境不那么友好”。



布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)研究员邓丽嘉(Erica Downs)表示,如果中海油收购尼克森的交易获得批准,则意味着中海油将成为第一家对美国能源企业拥有经营决策权的中国企业。




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等级:管理员 贴子:1099 积分:10268 威望:0 精华:2 注册:2003/12/30 16:34:32
  发贴心情 Post By:2012/9/27 11:19:25

Mitt Romney’s trust invested in Cnoocat a time when the US was growing concerned about the Chinese oil company’s multibillion-dollar dealings with Tehran, according to the 2011 tax return released by the Republican nominee for president.

The Chinese investment by Mr Romney’s blind trust prompted accusations of hypocrisy from the Obama campaign on Monday, given Mr Romney’s criticism of Barack Obama for not being tough enough on Chinese “cheaters”.

“As he rolls his bus through many Ohio towns that are benefiting from [Obama’s] actions to?.?.?.?protect American workers from unfair Chinese trade practices, Mitt Romney will, as they say, have some explaining to do,” said an Obama campaign spokesman.

But Mr Romney’s investment in Cnooc also raises questions about Mr Romney’s tough stance against Iran, and is further evidence of how the former Bain Capital chief executive’s vast global share holdings have posed a challenge to his bid for the White House.

Mr Romney has repeatedly said that he had no control over the decisions by the blind trust that held the investments, which are controlled by a trustee named R. Bradford Malt.

“The trustee of the blind trust has said publicly that he will endeavour to make the investments in the blind trust conform to Governor Romney’s positions, and whenever it comes to his attention that there is something inconsistent, he ends the investment,” said Michele Davis, an aide to the Romney campaign and former Treasury official in George W. Bush’s administration.

Mr Romney has in the past – specifically in his Senate run against Edward Kennedy – called blind trusts “an age-old ruse” because “you can always tell a blind trust what it can and cannot do”.

The first investment by Mr Romney’s trust in Cnooc Limited, in October of 2009, was made about seven months after the group’s state-owned parent company was widely reported to have signed a deal with Iran to develop the huge North Pars gasfield for an LNG export project.

In the US, the deal was viewed as part of a worrying effort by China to secure energy interests.

According to a report by the International Gas Report in February of 2009, Beijing gave Cnooc the green light to sign a deal with Tehran immediately after the US agreed to sell arms to Taiwan. The agreement, which was on and off for years before the deal was signed, even prompted interest from the US State Department in 2007, which examined whether it violated the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act.

Washington’s unease with Cnooc was also apparent in the political uproar in 2009 over the Obama administration’s decision to appoint Chas Freeman as the head of the National Intelligence Council. The choice of Mr Freeman, a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia and envoy to China, was eventually nixed. But one of several issues raised by both Democratic and Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill was Mr Freeman’s links to Cnooc, after he joined the board of international advisers in 2004.

Tax records released last week showed that Mr Romney’s blind trust made two subsequent investments in Cnooc and then sold all the shares – for a profit of about $11,000, in August of 2011.

That was about the same period when Mr Romney began ratcheting up his campaign rhetoric against China.

Since then, Cnooc’s involvement in the North Pars project has also reportedly been put on hold. Citing analysts, a July report by Platts found that the Chinese projects have not moved forward in Tehran because the “overall investment climate” in Iran was “unfavourable”.

Cnooc is awaiting approval by the US for its $15bn takeover of Nexen, an oil group based in Calgary with interests in the Gulf of Mexico. The deal requires approval by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the US, which vets cross-border deals on national security grounds. An earlier attempt by Cnooc to take over California-based Unocalin 2005 was scrapped after the transaction was attacked on Capitol Hill. So far, the takeover of Nexen has not garnered similar opposition, although Mr Romney’s tax records has put a new spotlight on Cnooc.

Last month, Cnooc Limited’s chairman, Wang Yilin, said in a speech that the company’s large-scale deep water rights were a “mobile national territory and a strategic weapon”, a description that may also cause some concern for regulators.

Erica Downs, a fellow at the Brookings Institute, said that if the Nexen deal were approved, it would represent the first time a Chinese company was given an operating role at an energy company in the US.

Two Cfius experts who are not involved in the review of the deal but asked not to be identified given the sensitivity surrounding the issue said that they suspected the US departments that vet the deal would likely seek more information and assurances from Cnooc about its status in Tehran as part of their review of the deal.

The transaction will ultimately fall to Mr Obama’s political appointees in the departments of Defence, the Treasury and other agencies who will review the transaction.

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