
主题:Facebook与谷歌争夺搜索市场 译者:liyuanxuan

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Facebook与谷歌争夺搜索市场 译者:liyuanxuan  发贴心情 Post By:2013/1/17 11:32:11

 在从10多亿用户那里收集照片和个人资料多年后,Facebook Inc.周二推出了一个搜索工具,它不仅可通过用户资料筛选搜索结果,更让这个社交媒体向本属于谷歌(Google Inc.)的地盘深入了一步。




Josh Edelson/Agence France-Press/Getty Images周二,扎克伯格宣布推出Graph Search搜索工具。这是一个从Facebook用户资料中筛选个人数据的搜索工具。从全球来看,谷歌的年收入为400亿美元,其中大部分来自在搜索引 擎上出售的广告。据市场研究机构eMarketer Inc.统计,谷歌在美国通过搜索广告产生的收入预计将超过130亿美元,占整个市场的75%。

谷歌的信息库规模目前仍是其他公司望尘莫及的。该公司说,已索引了2.3亿个网站上的30万亿个独立网页。去年,谷歌改变了搜索引擎,使之能更方便地让网 友迅速找到有关人、地方和现实事物的详细信息。具体来说,就是在搜索结果页面的最上端显示搜索查询的图片、事实和其它“直接答案”等,而不是简单地给出蓝 色链接。

在目睹了Facebook的崛起并且预测到它将移师搜索界后,谷歌在2011年创建了自己的社交网络服务Google+,以获取有关人名、个人爱好和朋友 身份等具体用户的数据,然后把Google+与其网络搜索服务整合到一起。这样一来,人们在搜索具体的网站、当地饭馆或真实产品时,如果他们在 Google+上的联系人给过相应的正面或负面评价,他们都会收到相关提醒。


但Facebook的社交网络在规模上要比谷歌大得多,并且在时机把握方面也算捷足先登,这要归功于多年来Facebook一直鼓励用户将图片和各种个人 信息添加到他们资料中的努力。这些信息既包括地理位置、雇主名称和兴趣爱好等基本信息,也包括年龄、宗教和婚姻状况等敏感资料。

经过一年多的开发后,上述信息中有很多可通过Facebook的Graph Search新功能搜索到。Facebook周二推出这一搜索工具,面向有限的用户进行测试。对于Facebook无法呈现的网络搜索,则由该公司合作伙 伴微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)旗下的搜索引擎必应(Bing)来完成。

Facebook进军搜索市场可能还会影响很多其它互联网公司,如Yelp Inc.和
LinkedIn Corp.,人们会分别通过这两个网站来搜索本地设施和业务联系。

如果事实证明,Facebook的新功能在搜索最佳商品方面更值得信赖,那它还有可能削弱亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)在产品搜索领域的主导地位。亚马逊依赖的是其网站上的大量点评,而不仅仅是符合一定条件的朋友或熟人的评论。


Gartner分析师布劳(Brian Blau)说,我不认为如今仅凭一个搜索就能把整个企业拉下马,但这些企业(有很多)都有必要为此感到担心,因为从本质上讲它们都属于社交媒体。




Facebook首席执行长扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)承认Graph Search可能有助于公司增收,但他不透露Facebook可能会在何时利用这些机会获利。


推出Graph Search的消息似乎没有让投资者意外。在消息发布之前的几天,网上就已经在猜测Facebook将推出搜索工具。Facebook股价周二收跌2.7%至30.10美元,较2012年9月低点上涨75%有余。

Facebook近几个月推出的一系列新产品都表明它在寻找新的收入来源。这些新产品包括独立的手机短信应用,允许广告商更精确瞄准具体人群的实时广告竞 价交易所“Facebook交易所”(Facebook Exchange),以及网上商店“Gifts”等。Facebook将在1月30日发布第四季度业绩。

Facebook很久以来就有一个基本的搜索工具,但它只用于寻找某个姓名或某公司的Facebook页面等原始搜索。通过Graph Search,Facebook将其数据整合起来,分成多个类别,使人们在用自然语言关键词搜索的时候更容易找到结果。

假如某个人想搜索朋友以“黄石国家公园”(Yellowstone National Park)为标签的照片,那么输入“朋友在黄石的照片”(photos of friends at Yellowstone)就可以了。如果想拓宽搜索面,则可将关键词改为“朋友在国家公园的照片”(photos of friends at national parks)。跟谷歌一样,搜索结果也是在用户输入关键词的时候就开始出现。


除此以外,在这一搜索产品面向整个Facebook公布之前,用户将在主页上看到一则通知,劝他们检查一下哪些个人数据会被Graph Search搜到。


Graph Search的认真启动是在2011年年中。当时Facebook搜索工程总监拉斯姆森(Lars Rasmussen)向扎克伯格展示了产品的基本原型。


据拉斯姆森说,扎克伯格讲,你们肯定是弄不出来的,但如果弄出来了,那将非常了不起。拉斯姆森和Facebook负责搜索的产品管理总监斯托基(Tom Stocky)一起负责这个项目。


本周二,搜索团队成员挤进新闻发布室后面,看扎克伯格公布这个搜索功能。在Facebook园区之外,一个拇指向上的标牌被暂时遮住,取而代之的是一个硕大的蓝色Graph Search标识:三个圆圈用直线连成一个三角形状。

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  发贴心情 Post By:2013/1/17 11:32:33

 After years of collecting photos and personal data from its billion-plus members, Facebook Inc. Tuesday unveiled a search tool that sifts through people's profiles -- and pushes the social network deeper onto Google Inc.'s home turf.

The two companies are vying to become the primary gateway to the Internet. Google has long served as a destination to find websites and information; Facebook, to share gossip and photos with friends. But those distinctions are increasingly blurring, and billions in advertising dollars are at stake.

The social network said Tuesday it will enable members to conduct complex queries related to their friends' profiles, such as 'tourist attractions in France visited by my friends.'

In doing so, Facebook is attacking Google's core strength and its most lucrative product -- search -- in a bid to convince people they might not need to use Google to find information.

Google generates the majority of its $40 billion in annual revenue world-wide from selling ads on its search engine. In the U.S., Google was expected to make more than $13 billion of all search-ad revenue, or 75% of the entire market, according to research firm eMarketer Inc.

Google's repository of information remains unmatched. It said it has indexed 30 trillion unique Web pages across 230 million sites. Last year, Google changed it search engine to make it easier for people to quickly get detailed information about people, places and real-world things by displaying photos, facts and other 'direct answers' to search queries at the top of the search-results page, rather than just spitting out blue links.

Having witnessed Facebook's rise and anticipating its move into search, Google built its own social-networking service, Google+, in 2011 to obtain data about specific individuals by name, their personal interests and the identities of their friends. It then integrated Google+ with its Web-search service, so that people searching for a particular website, local restaurant or real-world product will be alerted if any of their Google+ contacts previously rated it positively or negatively.

A Google spokesman declined to comment.

But Facebook has a far larger social network and a sizable head-start after spending years encouraging its members to add photos and all sorts of personal information to their profiles, from basic data like location, employer name and interests to more sensitive details such as age, religion and romantic status.

Much of that data is now searchable using Facebook's new 'Graph Search' feature after more than a year in development. Facebook began rolling it out Tuesday as a test to a limited number of users. For Web searches that Facebook can't deliver, the queries are served by Bing, the search engine from Facebook partner Microsoft Corp.

Facebook's move into search could disrupt a number of other Internet businesses, such as Yelp Inc. and LinkedIn Corp., which people use to find local places and business connections, respectively.

If Facebook's new function proves a more trusted means for finding the best merchandise, it could also chip away at Amazon.com Inc.'s dominance in product search, which relies on a critical mass of reviews on its site, rather than just those of friends or acquaintances matching certain criteria.

Amazon and LinkedIn declined to comment. A spokesman for Yelp, whose shares dropped more than 7% in the wake of Facebook's announcement, wasn't immediately available for comment.

'I don't think one query will take down a whole business today, but (many of) these businesses have to be worried because they are social in nature,' said Brian Blau, a Gartner analyst.

Facebook didn't announce any business initiatives connected with the new capability, which won't initially be available on mobile devices -- where a growing number of users are tapping into the service.

But the product will likely open moneymaking opportunities down the road for Facebook in the form of search advertising, as the company works to boost its revenue following its botched initial public offering last May.

Facebook currently makes most of its revenue by selling small graphical, or display, ads on its site.

Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged that Graph Search could help Facebook make more money, but demurred on when the company might capitalize on those opportunities.

'This could potentially be a business over time, but for now we've really focused on building out this user experience,' Mr. Zuckerberg said at the product's launch event at Facebook's Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters, adding that the company has no specific targets for making the search service more widely available.

Investors didn't appear to be surprised by the news, which followed days of speculation online that Facebook would announce a search tool. Facebook's shares, which have risen more than 75% since their September nadir, fell 2.7% to close Tuesday at $30.10.

Facebook has introduced a slew of new products in recent months that indicate it is going after new revenue. The product debuts include stand-alone mobile texting applications; Facebook Exchange, a real-time bidding ad exchange that allows advertisers to better target specific groups; and Gifts, an online store. The company reports fourth-quarter earnings on January 30.

Facebook has long had a basic search tool, but it was geared toward rudimentary searches such as someone's name or a company's Facebook page. With Graph Search, Facebook has taken its data and spliced it, indexing it into numerous categories that make it easier for people to discover results when they search using natural language terms.

For instance, if someone wants to finds photographs of their friends tagged at Yellowstone National Park, he or she can type in 'photos of friends at Yellowstone.' If they want to broaden that search, they can alter a search query to 'photos of friends at national parks.' Like Google, results begin to show up as a user types in their query.

At the event, Facebook also tried to blunt potential concerns about what the search feature means for privacy. The social network, which has been criticized in the past by consumer advocates for its handling of user data, said it would only allow users to see information that is already accessible to them.

In addition, before the search product is released to the entire social network, users will see a notification on the top of their home page, urging them to review what personal data is exposed to Graph Search.

'Privacy, as part of this product, is so deeply built in,' Mr. Zuckerberg said.

The Graph Search project began in earnest in mid-2011, when Lars Rasmussen, Facebook's director of engineering for search, showed Mr. Zuckerberg a demonstration of a basic prototype.

During the meeting, held in Mr. Zuckerberg's conference room, Mr. Rasmussen said the search team could build an engine that could show instant results, drawing from across the social network. Mr. Zuckerberg liked the idea, but was skeptical.

'He said you'll never make that work, but if you can it will be awesome,' said Mr. Rasmussen, who led the project with Tom Stocky, Facebook's director of product management for search.

Facebook's search team, which numbers more than 50 people, pushed hard in the final months on the project, with the team on 'lockdown'-essentially a crunch period-for 34 days during the winter, Mr. Stocky said. During that time, Mr. Zuckerberg made frequent night visits to the group.

On Tuesday, members of the search team packed into the back of the press room to watch Mr. Zuckerberg unveil the search feature. Outside Facebook's campus, a thumbs-up sign was temporarily covered, replaced with a large blue sign of the Graph Search logo: three circles in a triangle formation, connected by lines.

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Facebook与谷歌争夺搜索市场 译者:liyuanxuan


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