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美承认“基地”组织或参与袭击美领馆  发贴心情 Post By:2012/9/21 9:46:13

美承认“基地”组织或参与袭击美领馆 US Names Al Qaeda In Attack


U.S. intelligence officials are investigating indications that al Qaeda's North African affiliate is connected with militants involved in the attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya, the top U.S. counterterrorism official said, providing the first public acknowledgment of the extremist movement's possible involvement in the deadly assault. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images周三,抗议的巴基斯坦律师试图进入美国大使馆。
美国最高反恐官员说,针对有迹象表明“基地”组织(al Qaeda)北非分支机构与袭击美国驻利比亚领事馆的武装分子存在联系一事,美国情报官员正展开调查。这是美国官方首次承认“基地”组织可能参与袭击美国领事馆一事。
The Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, Libya, came as protests erupted there and in Egypt, before spreading throughout the Middle East and to Europe and Southeast Asia after word circulated of an Internet video considered offensive to Islam. Protests continued Wednesday in Pakistan, and angry crowds forced a U.S. consulate in Indonesia to close. Western officials braced for more trouble after a French satirical magazine published caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. 今年9月11日美国驻利比亚班加西领事馆遭袭的同时,利比亚和埃及爆发抗议活动。此后反美抗议活动扩散至整个中东、欧洲和东南亚地区。抗议活动的导火索是一部被认为冒犯了伊斯兰教的网络视频。周三,巴基斯坦的抗议活动还在继续,愤怒的人群令美国在印度尼西亚的一个领事馆被迫关闭。在法国一份讽刺杂志出版了关于先知穆罕默德(Prophet Muhammad)的讽刺漫画之后,西方国家官员正在准备迎接更多的麻烦。
In the wake of last week's attacks, the Obama administration has begun to bolster security at other hot spots in Africa,including Tunisia and Sudan,where the State Department is airlifting armored vehicles and other security equipment. 经历了上周美国驻班加西领事馆遭袭事件后,奥巴马(Obama)政府已经开始加强美国驻非洲其它热点地区的使领馆安全工作,其中包括突尼斯和苏丹。美国国务院向美国驻这两个国家的外交机构空运了装甲车辆和其它安全设备。
The acknowledgment of a possible al Qaeda role came at a congressional hearing in which government officials were peppered with questions about the adequacy of security at the U.S. Consulate in Libya, where the Sept. 11 attacks killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other State Department officials. 有关部门负责人是在美国国会听证会上承认“基地”组织可能参与袭击事件的。在听证会上,政府官员被接连问到了大量有关美国驻利比亚领事馆的安保是否充足的问题。9月11日美国驻利比亚领事馆遇袭,美国驻利比亚大使史蒂文斯(Christopher Stevens)和美国国务院其他三位官员遇害。
The Wall Street Journal reported last week that U.S. intelligence officials were examining evidence that operatives for al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb had a series of conversations with members of Ansar al-Sharia, a local militant group sympathetic with al Qaeda, on the day violent protests broke out in Cairo. 《华尔街日报》上周报道说,美国情报官员正在检查相关证据。该证据表明,在开罗爆发暴力抗议活动当天,武装组织al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb的人员曾和“伊斯兰教法虔信者”(Ansar al-Sharia)的成员有过一系列对话。“伊斯兰教法虔信者”是当地一个同情“基地”组织的武装组织。
Testifying before a Senate committee on Wednesday, Matthew Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, said intelligence officials are examining the possibility of such links. 'We are looking at indications that individuals involved in the attack may have had connections to al Qaeda or al Qaeda's affiliates, in particular, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,' he said, calling the assault on the consulate a 'terrorist attack.' 周三在美国参议院一个委员会作证时,美国国家反恐中心(National Counterterrorism Center)负责人奥尔森(Matthew Olsen)说,美国情报官员正在评估上述情报同“基地”组织参与袭击美国领事馆一事存在关联的可能性。奥尔森说:我们正在研究那些表明参与袭击的个人可能与基地组织或“基地”组织的分支机构(尤其是al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb组织)存在联系的迹象。奥尔森称美国领事馆遭袭是一起“恐怖袭击事件”。
It may be the case that both local militants and an overseas al Qaeda affiliate were involved in the attacks, he added. 'The picture that is emerging is one where a number of different individuals were involved,' he said.

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