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新民调显示奥巴马选情进一步巩固  发贴心情 Post By:2012/9/21 9:44:14

Buoyed by an upswing in economic optimism, President Barack Obama has strengthened his support among voters and is now rated as equal to Mitt Romney on which candidate can best improve the economy, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Associated Press昨天,在俄亥俄州哥伦布市举行的一场竞选活动上,美国总统奥巴马演讲完毕后向支持者挥手。
受经济乐观情绪的提振,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)的民意支持进一步巩固。《华尔街日报》和NBC的联合民意调查显示,在哪一位候选人最有能力改善经济状况的问题上,奥巴马的得分与罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)旗鼓相当。
The survey gives the president his highest job approval since March, at 50%, and shows him leading Mr. Romney among likely voters, 50% to 45%, with two weeks before the campaign hits a major landmark with the first candidates' debate. 调查显示,在很可能投票的选民当中,认可奥巴马所做工作的比例为50%,为3月份以来最高,并领先于罗姆尼的45%。两个星期之后,竞选活动就将达到一个重要的里程碑,即候选人之间的首场辩论。
The election snapshot comes as Mr. Obama tries to win reelection with the highest pre-election jobless rate since World War II, and with an estimated 23 million Americans unemployed or underemployed. 现在认为未来12个月经济将会改善的选民达到42%,高于2009年年底以来的任何时候。超过一半的选民表示经济已经在复苏,夏季的多次调查也呈现这样一个比例。
The survey was the first Journal poll of the campaign to assess which voters are likely to cast ballots and to ask their preferences. Among the slightly larger set of registered voters, the poll showed Mr. Obama widening his lead by two percentage points over the prior month, giving him 50% support, compared to Mr. Romney's 44%. 这次新调查中,在选民认为谁更有能力修补经济的问题上,奥巴马与罗姆尼打成平手。7月份在这个问题上奥巴马落后于罗姆尼。
The poll surveyed 900 registered voters, including 736 who are considered likely to cast ballots. The survey was taken from Sept. 12 to Sept. 16 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.27 percentage points for registered voters. 奥巴马的支持基础也比对手稳固。目前在所有登记选民中,有46%的人表示他们肯定或很可能投给奥巴马,相比之下,39%的人表示肯定或很可能投给罗姆尼。
The poll found Mr. Obama to be on a generally stronger footing than President George W. Bush had been in September, 2004, before Mr. Bush went on to win re-election in a close contest. Mr. Obama holds a wider lead over his rival than did Mr. Bush, and voters give him higher marks for handling foreign policy and the economy.  
More voters now think the economy will improve over the next 12 months─42%─than at any time since late 2009. More than half said the economy is already recovering, the same share as in several surveys over the summer.  
In the new survey, the president pulled even with his Republican rival on who voters think is better to fix the economy, after lagging behind Mr. Romney on that question in July.  
Mr. Obama also enjoys a more solid base of support than his rival does. Among all registered voters, 46% now say they will definitely or probably vote for the president, compared with 39% who say that of Mr. Romney.

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