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主题:韩国选民不畏严寒踊跃投票South Koreans Cast Votes in Pivotal Presidential Election

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韩国选民不畏严寒踊跃投票South Koreans Cast Votes in Pivotal Presidential Election  发贴心情 Post By:2012/12/20 17:50:46



South Koreans waited in long lines outside polling places Wednesday, enduring one of the coldest days of the winter so far, to choose a new president, the sixth since the country adopted a democratic constitution in 1987.

The latest polls showed a tossup between conservative Park Geun-hye and liberal Moon Jae-in, the two major candidates. Mr. Moon narrowed Ms. Park's lead with a stronger performance in three debates earlier this month.

Both candidates crossed the nation on Tuesday, stopping in several cities to urge their supporters to vote.

In a sign of the high interest in the close race, early turnout numbers showed far more people were voting than in the last presidential election five years ago and suggested that turnout may near the 80% level last seen in the 1990s, despite temperature highs of -6 Celsius or about 20 Fahrenheit.

At 2 p.m. local time, 52.6% of the approximately 40.4 million eligible voters had cast a ballot, the National Election Commission said.

About 60 people waited in a line stretching out the door at a polling place in central Seoul in the afternoon. Song Ji-hoon, 32 years old, said he'd been waiting for about 30 minutes, the longest in approximately 10 elections he has participated in. 'I've never had to wait like this before,' Mr. Song said.

In interviews outside polling stations, voters said economic issues were driving their choices.

In the central city of Cheonan, Lee Hyun-joung, a university student, said she was most worried about the high cost of tuition and household debt. At the same location, Han Seung-hyun, a father of three, said, 'I paid attention to welfare policy [proposals], especially child welfare.'

The winner will face critical challenges. South Korea, a key ally of the U.S., shares a border with a nuclear-armed North Korea. Its economy. among the strongest in Asia, is slowing, while the country's aging population is pushing welfare costs.

Ms. Park, the daughter of former South Korean president Park Chung-hee, has been considered the front-runner in this year's election since losing the conservative party's nomination in the 2007 to current President Lee Myung-bak.

Mr. Moon, a chief of staff to the last liberal President Roh Moo-hyun, entered electoral politics earlier this year by winning a parliamentary seat. He then prevailed in a monthlong presidential primary and over a popular university professor with liberal leanings who tried to push him aside and acquire the backing of Mr. Moon's Democratic United Party.

Ms. Park and Mr. Moon are running for a single, five-year term in a presidency that wields vast authority over the broader government. The South Korean president, in addition to choosing the leaders of government ministries, controls its $300 billion annual budget, commands a 600,000-person military, appoints the chiefs of approximately 400 state-run companies and proposes about 90 % of the legislation taken up by the elected members of parliament.

The trend of a rapidly-aging populace appeared to favor Ms. Park. When Mr. Roh was elected 10 years ago, younger voters in their 20s and 30s who tend to support liberals accounted for 49% of the population. This year, they accounted for 38%.

Meanwhile, older voters in their 50s and 60s who tend to support conservatives amounted to 39% of the population, up from 29% in the 2002 vote.

Polls close at around 6 p.m. local time, with results likely a few hours later.

[此贴子已经被作者于2012-12-20 17:51:23编辑过]

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  发贴心情 Post By:2012/12/20 17:52:15




最新民调显示,保守派的朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)和自由派的文在寅(Moon Jae-in)这两位主要候选人的支持率可谓不相上下。在本月早些时候的三场辩论中,文在寅以更为出色的表现缩小了他与朴槿惠的差距。




下午,差不多有60人在首尔市中心某投票站外排起长队。32岁的Song Ji-hoon说,他已经等了有大概30分钟,这是他参与投票的约10次选举中等待时间最长的一次。他说,以前从没等过这么长时间。


Reuters左图:周二,韩国总统大选候选人朴槿惠(左)在釜山火车站与她的支持者见面。右图:朴槿惠的竞争对手文在寅在首尔参加一场竞选集会。周三,韩国选民将投票选出新一任总统。在位于韩国中部的天安市(Cheonan),在校大学生Lee Hyun-joung说,她最担心学费和家庭债务的高昂成本。同样在这个城市,已是三个孩子父亲的Han Seung-hyun说,我关心福利政策(提案),特别是儿童福利方面。


自2007年输给现任总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)未能获得保守党提名以来,朴槿惠一直被认为在今年的总统大选中领跑。朴槿惠是韩国前总统朴正熙(Park Chung-hee)的女儿。

通过赢得一个议会席位,文在寅于今年早些时候进入选举政治。此后他在为期一个月的总统初选中获胜,并战胜了一位颇受欢迎的大学教授候选人。后者带有自由主义倾向,曾试图战胜文在寅以期获得文在寅所在的民主统和党的支持。文在寅曾是前自由派总统卢武铉(Roh Moo-hyun)的秘书室长。





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韩国选民不畏严寒踊跃投票South Koreans Cast Votes in Pivotal Presidential Election


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