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中国鼓励退休医生到农村工作China Asks Retired Doctors to Work in Rural Areas  发贴心情 Post By:2013/3/4 17:09:41

China is encouraging doctors to come out of retirement and work in rural areas as part of an effort to tackle a health-care disparity between wealthy cities and the much poorer countryside. 中国开始鼓励退休医生复出,到农村地区工作,这是解决中国城乡医疗差别的努力之一。在中国,城市一般都比较富裕,而农村则要贫困得多。
The move is one of a number of initiatives outlined by China's health minister to revamp a health-care system that reinforces the social inequalities now threatening the country's economic growth and stability. China offers progressive medical facilities in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, for those who can afford it, but still struggles to provide basic care to large portions of the rural population. 中国卫生部长提出了若干改革医疗制度的倡议,上述举措就是其中一项。中国现行医疗制度加深了危及经济增长和稳定的社会不平等现象。中国在北京和上海等大城市为那些能负担得起的人们提供先进的医疗设施,而对于占全国人口比例很大的农民,该国在提供基本医疗方面仍面临困难。
Many medical professionals prefer living in cities, fueling the disparity. On Tuesday, Health Minister Chen Zhu said the ministry is boosting incentives, such as free education, to entice physicians to work in less developed regions. 相关报道很多医疗从业人员都愿意生活在城里,这进一步扩大了城乡医疗差距。中国卫生部长陈竺周二说,卫生部将增加免费教育等激励措施,吸引医生到欠发达地区工作。
The ministry is also rolling out a new examination system that will lower the standards required for doctors who aim to work in villages, Dr. Chen said at a briefing with representatives of the World Health Organization on China's health-care reform. Retired doctors from large public hospitals will be invited to return to work in primary-care facilities around the nation, he said. He didn't outline specific details for the new examination system or the programs for retired physicians. 此外,陈竺还在有关中国医疗改革的新闻吹风会上对世界卫生组织(WHO)代表说,中国卫生部即将推出一个新考试制度,降低对那些有意去农村工作的医生的要求。他说,从大型公立医院退休的医生将被返聘到全国各地初级医疗机构工作。陈竺没有透露有关新考试制度或退休医生返聘项目的具体细节。
Doctors working in public hospitals follow the national retirement regulations, with men retiring at 60 and women at 55. Private hospitals can hire or retain doctors beyond those age limits. 在公立医院工作的医生遵循国家退休规定,即男子60岁退休,女子55岁退休。私立医院可聘用或留用那些超过退休年龄的医生。
Health officials will also increase efforts to create more county hospitals and primary health facilities in the countryside to take the strain off large urban hospitals, Dr. Chen said. 'This is a critical year' for health reform, he said, adding that there is now more expectation among the general public for better health care. 陈竺说,中国卫生官员还将加大努力创建更多县级医院和农村初级医疗机构,以减少城市大医院的压力。他说,今年是医疗改革很关键的一年,还说公众现在对医疗情况改善抱有很大期待。
The world's most populous country is in the midst of one of the largest health-care overhauls the world has ever seen. China has spent $125 billion in recent years to extend public health-insurance coverage to 95% of the population. 中国这个世界上人口最多的国家目前正在进行医改。这是全球规模空前的最大医改之一。近年来,中国投入了1,250亿美元,让公共医疗保险覆盖全国95%的人口。
The yawning gap between the country's rich and the poor, most obviously between its city and rural dwellers, is an issue facing China's new government that takes power in March at a meeting of the National People's Congress. The median household income of city residents was 28,000 yuan, or roughly $4,500, in 2010, nearly triple that of rural counterparts, according to China's Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. 日益扩大的贫富差距是即将于今年3月在全国人民代表大会上就职的中国新一届政府需要面对问题。中国的贫富差距问题主要体现在城乡差距上。根据西南财经大学 (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)的数据,2010年城市居民家庭收入中值为2.8万元,几乎是农村家庭收入中值的三倍。
The rift threatens to unhinge the country's growth and ignite social unrest. And it is widely playing out in the country's health system. 贫富差距可能会阻碍中国的经济增长,并引发社会动荡。此外,这一差距在中国的医疗卫生体系中也有广泛的体现。
Health officials announced years ago plans to expand hospital networks across China, but village and rural dwellers are still traveling often thousands of miles across the country to city hospitals where they seek treatment when treatment back home either isn't available or isn't up to par with city standards 多年以前,卫生官员宣布了在中国扩大医院网络的计划,但是农村居民仍然常常需要跋涉数千里到城市的医院接受治疗,因为家乡无法提供治疗,或者治疗手段达不到城市的水平。
The result has been overcrowded city hospitals, where the sick spend days, even weeks, waiting for appointments in overflowing waiting rooms. 结果是,城市的医院人满为患,病人为了看病往往要在拥挤不堪的候诊室里等待几天,甚至几个星期。
China's central and western regions remain the country's largest weak spots, said Wang Jin, a partner in consultant firm McKinsey's health-care group in China. 'There has been recent investment in those areas and other rural areas, but historically there has been such a deep gap there that the government is still catching up,' Ms. Wang said. 咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)在中国的医疗保健组的合伙人王锦说,中西部地区仍然是中国最薄弱的地区。王锦说,中国最近在这些地区和其他农村地区进行了投资,但历史遗留下来的缺口较大,政府仍然在填补这一缺口。
While much of the emphasis has been on improving the quantity of hospitals and doctors in rural areas, future leaders will be tasked with a need to improve the quality of care, Ms. Wang said, noting that many rural doctors' skill sets limit their ability to operate on patients and treat certain diseases. 王锦说,以往的重点是增加医院和医生的数量,未来的领导人将需要提高医疗保健服务的质量。她指出,许多农村医生没有为病人做手术或治疗某些疾病的能力。
Health officials are also aiming to improve the reimbursement rate for rural families dealing with critical and catastrophic illnesses, Dr. Chen said, adding that the country's national insurance has reimbursement rates of around 70% for rural citizens, but the other 30% is often a huge burden. 陈竺说,中国卫生系统的官员还打算提高农村家庭的大病医保报销比例。他补充说,国家医疗保险的报销比例大约为70%,但是剩余的30%对农村居民来说往往是个很大的负担。
Dr. Chen also said that it is expanding sales within counties of pharmaceuticals on China's essential drug list, a list of Western and traditional drugs that cover diseases such as cancer and that are subsidized by provincial governments.

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中国鼓励退休医生到农村工作China Asks Retired Doctors to Work in Rural Areas


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