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----  海鸥经理 seagull manager  (http://www.boyantongyi.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=23&id=4537)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:2013/1/24 19:50:13
--  海鸥经理 seagull manager

进入21世纪,似乎我们工作和生活的方方面面都在国际化、全球化。新技术、新理念不断涌入,想要做一个管理者也显得不那么容易了。经理们需要不断接受新兴的技术和理念,否则就有可能会成为不太受欢迎的seagull manager了。

海鸥经理 seagull=

Seagull Manager is a term first dating back to an 1988 Marketing article by Michael Madison, used to describe a management style of interacting with employees only when a problem arises, making hasty decisions about things they have little understanding of, then leaving others to deal with the mess they leave behind.

Seagull Manager(海鸥经理)这一说法的出现始于1988年迈克尔?麦迪逊所写的一篇有关市场营销的文章,指那种出现问题了才跟员工沟通的管理模式,管理者对于自己不太了解的事务匆忙做出决策,然后把烂摊子留给其他人来处理。

The term became more popular through a joke in Ken Blanchard\'s 1999 book Leadership and the One Minute Manager: "Seagull managers fly in, make a lot of noise, dump on everyone, then fly out."
